Highly-rated practitioner
5* rating on Google

“Mike is one of those rare people who’s mere presence puts you at ease.”
Artie G

“Mike has helped me deal with a severe phobia and anxiety in just one session.”

“You are in the most trusted and supportive and learned hands with Mike“

“Thank you for treating me has a individual and putting things into place just for me!“

“I experienced Havening and it rapidly calmed me and dispelled my anxiety.“
Hypnosis for Pain Relief – Osteoarthritis
“For many years I have been suffering with chronic osteoarthritis. The osteoarthritis is wide spread through most of my joints and I suffer with almost constant pain and I was unable to sleep properly due the pain.”
“I was taking co-codamol prescribed by my GP every four hours six times per day, but I was still in a lot of pain. My GP had said the next step in pain killers for me would be morphine tablets. I did not want to start on morphine so I discuss using hypnosis and my GP agreed it was worth a try. At first I tried self-hypnosis through books but I was unsuccessful in getting any relief.”
“Luckily I found Michael Gee at Tameside Hypnotherapy. Michael was very helpful and explained what we would be doing. During my first session I became comfortable and relaxed for the first time in a very long while. Michael taught me what I needed to do in order to go into trance and reduce my pain. That night I slept pain free and got the best night’s sleep in years.”
“Michael also produced a CD recording that I listen to every night allowing me to drift into a relaxing comfortable sleep. Michael I can’t thank you enough!”
Eric, Manchester
Hypnosis & NLP for Improved Golf Performance
“I had been experiencing some health problems recently. I had been coping quite well in most areas of my daily life. The exception was my golf game. My game was deteriorating and my handicap had begun to rise. My confidence about my game was at an all-time low.”
“A friend recommended Michael at Tameside Hypnotherapy. Michael explained about hypnotherapy and the myths about hypnosis. He put me completely at ease. I had just two sessions with him. After the first session my game began to improve. In the second session he taught me some techniques to help build my confidence. The following week I came second in my section of our club competition!”
“I can highly recommend Michael and his work.”
Allister, Audenshaw